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Do I need therapy?

If you don't have clarity wether or not your need to start attending therapy, these 10 indicators will be helpful to you

Image by Anthony Tran

Perhaps you've been wondering if this is the ideal moment for you to start a therapeutic process. Remember the best indicator is you: if you feel the need or feel curious to find out more about yourself.


If you're still unclear about it, here I'm sharing with you 10 indicators that can be of help to identify your growth opportunities so you can improve your wellbeing. Put a mark (✓) on the ones you identify as need of improvement.



1. ____ More often than not I find myself feeling unwell: unmotivated, sad, stressed out, worried, tense, angry, not wanting to live, etc. I have tried several things to improve my mood, but I don't feel emotionally stable for a considerable amout of time.


2. ____ My body aches or feels sick constantly: stomachaches, headaches, muscular tension, etc. These symptoms are troubling me and I can't go through my day normally.


3. ____ I've noticed that my reactions to situations or people that upset me are: intense, impulsive and/or they cause ma lot of conflicts with others. Sometimes I feel guilty for the way I reacted but I cannot control it.


4. ____ There are events in my life that I can't leave behind or are not allowing me to live my present: difficult situtations that I lived in my childhood or adolescence, past relationships, loss of loved ones or traumatic events, etc.


5. ____ I feel stuck or unsatisfied with my life: I don't know in which direction to go or I find it hard to take the steps that will lead me to my goals. I feel like there's a barrier that is limitating my growth but I can't see what it is or I feel uncapable of achieving what I desire.


6. ____ I have habits that are unhealthy: eating habits, sleep, exercising, sexuality, substance abuse, workaholism or other activities that put my health at risk.


7. ____ My relationships with others (family, couple, children, friends) are difficult, with many conflicts, lack of emotional intimacy, dependency, violence and/or lack of affection.


8. ____ I see patterns in my behavior or thinking styles that I'd like to improve: I tend to be defensive, not putting myself first but others instead; it's hard for me to say no o set up boundaries without feeling guilty; I feel ashamed of who I am, I have low self-esteem.


9. ____ The relationship with myself and my body is complicated: In the past or present I've experienced eating disorders, disconection with my sexuality, self-harming, body shame or dysmorphia, suicide attempts, etc.


10. ____ I have cognitive impairments: difficulty concentrating, dissociation or disrealization (disconection with one's thoughts, feelings, memories, body sensations or reality), problem-solving, etc.



If you identified 5 or more of these indicators (✓), it can mean that it's time to take action to take care of your physical and mental health.


Don't hesitate, TODAY is the best moment to start your healing journey.

You deserve to be healthy and feel great again.





Neuropsychologist Marcela Salazar

+52 8116 3632 79




PD: This tool is informative and has educational purposes only: it is not a diagnostic test, nor has any valid background on mental health.

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